Hoisting and Rigging Certification

$99.98 CAD

Language: English
Certification: Yes
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Digital Badge: Yes
Course Length: 5 hours

Additional Course Information

hoisting / rigging / hoisting and rigging / lifting device / Crane / rigger / operator / Online / Mobile Equipment Lifting Suite / Construction Industry / Resource and Heavy Industry / Utilities Industry / Manufacturing Industry

SKU: HRC12192022

Course by: Danatec Educational Services

Hoisting and rigging accidents are far too common, often leading to extensive property damage, terrible injuries, or even death. Hoisting and Rigging Certification is designed to provide workers involved with hoisting and rigging operations with the knowledge and skills needed to perform their work safely.  

This eLearning has been built into four logical modules: 

  1. Hoisting and Rigging Hazards 
  2. Safe Working Loads (SWLs) 
  3. Hoisting and Rigging Equipment 
  4. Lift Classification and Requirements 

Learners must achieve a minimum score of 75% on the final exam to receive certification. Upon completion of the eLearning and final exam, additional evaluation tools will be provided.


By the end of this course, learners will be able to: 

  • Identify common hoisting and rigging hazards 
  • Work through a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) 
  • Explain safe working loads 
  • Demonstrate load calculations 
  • Review sling angle factors 
  • Select, inspect, and use the appropriate hardware and slings for a lift 
  • Review safe rigging practices 
  • Recall the hand signals outlined in CSA Standards 

Note: Our course modules work best on the latest version of Google Chrome. If your course is not loading, update your browser and/or check your internet connectivity as a first step.