Fatigue Awareness

$34.95 CAD

Language: English
Certification: Yes
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Digital Badge: Yes
Course Length: 20 minutes

Additional Course Information

General Safety Training / Online Training / Online / Hazard Awarness / Construction Industry / Resource and Heavy Industry / Utilities Industry / Manufacturing Industry / Transportation Industry / Technical Services Industry / Health Care Industry / Hospitality Industry / Office Industry

SKU: SAF934700

Course by: Danatec Educational Services

Fatigue is a major cause of accidents and injuries in the workplace in Canada. The risk of harm from fatigue to workers’ health and safety must be identified, managed and controlled. Danatec’s Fatigue Awareness course is an interactive online course that addresses the issues related to fatigue in the workplace. This course is an entry level course that will speak to an array of different job types, such as those that perform shift work, night shift, industrial workers, drivers and office workers on a variety of focus points. It shows what fatigue can look like in the workplace, how to manage your own fatigue and to be able to identify when a co-worker is fatigued, as well as the tools to use to prevent fatigue related injuries


  • What is fatigue? 
  • How can I manage fatigue? 

Note: Our course modules work best on the latest version of Google Chrome. If your course is not loading, update your browser and/or check your internet connectivity as a first step.