RSTS - M12 - Earthmoving

$30.00 CAD

Language: English
Certification: Yes
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Digital Badge: Yes
Course Length: 25 minutes

Additional Course Information

RSTS / RSTS Module / Online

SKU: 1003

Course by: ARHCA

Earthmoving is an important task on road building and heavy construction sites.  Heavy equipment and machinery are used to move the earth or prepare the earth to be moved, so that construction can begin.  This course emphasizes the importance of pre-planning and conducting site-specific hazard assessments throughout the project.  It discusses the most common hazards encountered on an earthmoving site and the controls that the learner can use to keep themselves safe.   The different safety considerations at remote locations vs developed locations are identified as well as the various types of earthmoving equipment used and how to operate and work around this equipment safely.  

This course is intended for anyone who works in earthmoving, road building or heavy construction – ground workers, surveyors or heavy equipment operators.  The course content includes real worksite video with key concepts and terms reinforced by text and imagery and quizzes throughout based on on-the-job scenarios.  There is a final exam with an 80% pass rate required to complete the course and obtain the certificate.


  1. Common Earthmoving Hazards
  2. Site Preparation and Surveying
  3. Earthmoving Site Locations
  4. Earthmoving Equipment
  5. Final Exam

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