Refresher Course - Supervisor Drug & Alcohol Awareness (Non-DOT)
Additional Course Information
After completing this safety training for managers and supervisors, the learner will have the knowledge and skills required to:
- Find the balance between an employee’s duty to be fit for work in compliance with occupational health and safety requirements, and the employer’s duty to accommodate
- Determine an employee’s fitness for duty by recognizing when an employee is not working safely due to substance abuse or is otherwise exhibiting hazardous indicators
- Describe the supervisor’s obligation to immediately intervene to prevent injury or harm
- Describe behaviours that are reasonable, consistent, and preserve an employee’s dignity when addressing workplace drug and alcohol-related hazards Summarize the key points of drug and alcohol testing in the workplace
- Drug and alcohol awareness: signs and symptoms to help measure impairment
- Appropriate interventions in workplace drug and alcohol use
- Escalation and documentation guidelines for workplace drug screening
- Summary, key takeaways, downloadable resources, and links
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